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Re-Tiring: A New Journey with GOD

My stint with the Navigators will end on my birthday, July 24, 2020. The date marks my 60th year which I consider a great milestone of my life, though my journey with God will still continue after 22 years of working with the Navigators. Way long before this anticipated milestone, there were two things in front of me. One was the idea to return to my home place and enjoy life with my wife, rest, and retire for good. Our experience for the last seven years largely influenced our urge to rest. We are literally tired and wants some breaks. Second, was the invitation by a brother and friend to work with him in a ministry where he is involved with. Honestly, my wife and I were praying these two options for about two years. In line with this, I was reminded of God’s promise during my 51st birthday in 2011. The Lord impressed in my heart; Isaiah 42:6-8. 6 “I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles,

7 to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.

8 “I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. Aside from His word, I heard the Lord speaking from different friends as we discerned carefully about the invitation. The Lord finally answered the later. He led us to continue spending my retirement years

working for Him, through another organization. As an answer to our desire for rest, the Lord provided us a free comfortable home for the next six months in a quite and solace place where Jean and I can reflect Our First Meeting and Fellowship attended by 21 mothers things about ourselves.

We are now on the orientation and observation period with KIDS International Ministry, Philippines.

Kids International Ministries is a non-profit charity organization based in Manila, Philippines. Here at Kids International Ministries, we focus on breaking the cycle of

poverty by loving, teaching, and serving. We do this through our Children’s Home, a large school, feeding programs, a pregnancy clinic, and much more.

Our main function at Kids International Ministries, is to bring the gospel of Jesus to the parents in the Community. We will focus our ministry among the families. It is a common information that our families today are under attack. We have children who are literally lost because of the parents’ lack of knowledge to manage their family. Some kids are trapped on vices because both the father and mother are absent for going overseas to find a living. Some other parents are present but are absentee because they do not know how to relate to their children and family. Teaching the parent the right dynamics of a family is what Jean and I the Lord has called us to do at this point of our lives.

We called our first meeting and fellowship last weekend (July 4, 2020), which was attended by 21 mothers. By the grace of God, the Lord gave us a good start. It was exciting but so daunting as we anticipate the coming days. The Lord had simply bringing people to the fellowship. As early as now, we know that we cannot do it alone!

We would like therefore, to invite you to join with us on this challenge. Please consider partnering with us by supporting us in the FRONTLINE through your prayers and your financial support. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few…”(Matt. 9:35)

Prayer Concerns:

1. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to grant us listening ears and a discerning heart that we may be able to do what the Lord wants us to do. May the gospel find its way into the lives of the parents unhindered.

2. Pray for immediate forming of Family Ministry team. There are already four of us working together presently. Pray for the Lord to raise up more dedicated laborers.

During our first fellowship, which was more on knowing one another, attendees expressed their desires and suggested to meet twice in a month with their husbands. They are interested to learn so that they can support their children with a right perspective on family matters.

3. Pray for God’s protection from the PANDEMIC. Jean and I are always exposed with people, sometimes we need to be ministering the real way (not Zoom all the time, but personal). Pray that the Lord will preserve our health and protect us from infections.

4. Pray for quick adjustment both to people, new ministry systems, and the new environment. Kids International is totally a different organization. Pray that we might be able to use our time and strength wisely, with efficiency and glorifying to God.

How are you doing these days? Please don’t hesitate to inform us or send us a message or a note on how we can pray and intercede for you.

We thank God for your partnership with us for the gospel. Our great desire is to see you personally after the pandemic. May you continue to hope in God, the Lord is all the time merciful to us.

Sincerely in Christ,

BOBOT and JEAN Migraso


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