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Are you interested in a medical mission trip? Be a short term medical volunteer! Help provide basic medical care, assist with pregnancy clinic checkups - you might even help deliver a baby!

Medical Mission Trip

There is no better way to impact your children in a bigger way than bringing them on a mission trip and serving side by side with them. What ages? Any!

Family mission trip

Are you a teacher and looking to make a difference in the lives of children in poverty? This is your trip. Come to the Philippines and help us!

Teacher Mission Trip

Want more than just going to the beach and focusing on yourself.  Do you get value out of helping others.  Come and serve with us and find out what kind of real long term impact your next spring break trip can really have.

Spring break trip

Use your passion for sport to connect with people and help underprivileged communities in the Philippines!

Sports Ministry Trip

Schoolies traditionally includes sitting on a beach, drinking, and other stuff of very little significance. It’s fun, but it doesn’t matter much. Why not celebrate the end of your schooling life by seeing a new country, impacting communities and people in poverty, and expanding yourself?

Schoolies service trip

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