If your donation is to meet a particular need, please understand that it is only a request. The ministry will evaluate each request to see if it falls within the mission's broader objective.
NOTE : It is best to check with a KIDS missionary before donating to a special purpose as it is not possible to return funds that are donated.
NOTE: We are temporarily unable to issue a tax receipt for Canadian Donations.
Helping us cover the transaction fee helps us b able to use your full donation for ministry. The transaction fee is composed a a few things....
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Dave and Jamie were married in 2018. Dave is working with coordinating groups and donors while Jamie is working with the Cuatro Christian School as a board member. Dave is from California and made his first trip to Manila in 2009 on a NBA Basketball Cares trip and met KIDS in 2010 and got involved making trips and retired in 2014 to serve full time. Jamie is from Famy Laguna and enjoys working with the various ministries that KIDS has with teams