You Are a Masterpiece—But What Does That Really Mean? - "Salvator Mundi," meaning "Savior of the World," is the name of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci, created around 1500 AD. This artwork was a masterpiece of the great painter, but it has a mysterious and complicated history... Painted over many times and with a deteriorated canvas, it no longer resembled the work of a master. The painting eventually resurfaced but was dismissed as a fake or a copy, considered worthless. In 1958, it was sold for just $125 before disappearing again—likely never to be seen again...
There is a time to mourn, to weep, to be silent. This was not the ending we had hoped for when a young teenage mama was referred to hospital in premature labor.
After hearing the heartbreaking story again and again of an overwhelmed public health system and the devastation that brings, Hope Alive seeks to increase their services.