2 youth holding signs - Loved, Accepted.
Impacting The Youth in Our Community
A singer holding up hands with over 1000 youth singing in the background.
Youth Lab - Started by God : Youth Lab began amid COVID when KIDS International provided 5.5 million meals. We invited 40 youth from the community into our ministry center to help cook food, and God hijacked the plan. By the end of the year, we had over 300 high school students involved in a dynamic ministry.
Growth of the ministry : Since 2020, Youth Lab has expanded. Our leader youth reach out to younger kids, and another Youth Lab has started in Tondo, one of the poorest areas of Manila.
Reaching the un-churched : Although many of the original youth now attend Church, the dynamic of reaching the lost is still very much alive. Youth Lab is a magnet that draws in youth that are not attending church and then funnels them into local churches.
Creating Leaders : Youth Lab develops the next generation of leaders. We believe that youth best at reaching youth. This past year, we have sent over 25 of our youth on international mission trips, something they never imagined they would be doing.   Life changing!
Statistics for youth in the Philippines

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Youth Ministry
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Pictures from our recent youth conference
(click to expand)
As churches bringing youth arrived you could sense the excitement.
As churches bringing youth arrived you could sense the excitement.
Signs as people entered the basketball court.
Signs as people entered the basketball court.
Our leader youth did a phenomenal job getting everyone in and seated.
Our leader youth did a phenomenal job getting everyone in and seated.
Arman (one of our missionaries) was MC for the event.
Arman (one of our missionaries) was MC for the event.
We had a 20x16 stage with video wall!
We had a 20x16 stage with video wall!
The worship was a highlight of the conference.
The worship was a highlight of the conference.
Around 1300 people attend the event.
Around 1300 people attend the event.
View from the stage.
View from the stage.
Youth LAB (you are Loved, you are Accepted and YOU Belong!)
Youth LAB (you are Loved, you are Accepted and YOU Belong!)